Friday, March 6, 2015

Those days that make it worth it.

Today was one of those days. One of those glorious, amazing, giddy and smiling days. 

Why, you ask?

Because I am married to the most perfect man FOR ME. 

No, he's not perfect. We fight, argue, and have many more years ahead to get to know each other. But this guy, this guy who has my heart and wears my ring, makes every bad day fade into nothing. He is sweet, sensitive, patient, funny and faithfully serves his family. 

I knew, while driving home after a long day, that I was in no shape to even think about dinner or cleaning. My 3 year old was already YELLING "MOM, MOM, MOM" just to say "hi" or mumble something about an inflatable horse. Friday's are long, I've been awake since 6am, and wasn't getting home until after 6pm. But unbeknownst to me, while I worked this afternoon, then picked up children after play practice and from grandmas house, he cleaned, did laundry, picked up toys, and to top it off, made an absolutely fantastic dinner. He spent all day making sure there was NOTHING I would need to do when I got home except take a hot shower. Like, a real, hot shower, ALL BY MYSELF!

It was exactly what I needed. Without saying a thing, he did, and was, exactly what I needed today. I can't express my gratitude in a matter befitting for this man. And it makes all the other muck we go through, so incredibly worth it.

(As I am finishing this, my 3 year old is sitting on me, saying "hey! That's me and my daddy and my blanket!) 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I have an evaluation coming up at work. This is something done twice a year to ensure we are meeting our objectives of the job. We meet with our manager to get feedback on our performance. This got me thinking: what if we did this in our everyday lives? What if we had to evaluate ourselves and give feedback? Would you be meeting your goals? Or maybe, you wouldn't be doing very well. 

I feel that feedback is the only way to positive self growth. It's important to receive the feedback on a daily basis. I feel it's a good thing to ask such questions like "Will this Choice lead to a positive outcome?" If the answer is no, I need to reevaluate my decisions. 

This can be applied to any situation in my life. School, work, as a mother and as a wife. My goal is to live like this every day.


Sunday, November 16, 2014


Hi. My name is Christine. I'm 23, a mom to 2 step children and a 2 year old of my own. I'm starting this adventure for myself more than anyone. If there's one thing I've learned in 3 years of marriage and mommyhood, it's that I need a healthy outlet. Plus, I think it will provide some self-accountability. I'm also a working mom. A couple of months ago I started working at Pepsi as an administrative assistant. I'm also going back to school for my Bachelors Degree. To sum it up, I'm very busy.

There is so much self growth going on though, I felt I needed to add one more thing to my plate. Hence, welcome to my blog. There will be lots to talk about. For now, it's 10:30, and I have got to get my little one to bed. Then, for the sake of my sanity, get some sleep.

Until tomorrow,
